Empathy Vs. Sympathy: The Eye-Opening Guide to Caring For Others

Do you know why empathy and sympathy are essential and what role they play in our life? Both these words are often used interchangeably, but in reality, both hold entirely different meanings, and only one of them is used as a tool to help people connect with others deeper than surface level. So let’s have…


12 Steps to a Successful Postpartum Depression Natural Treatment

After giving birth, the battle with your hormones may not be over yet. You may still experience mood swings, fatigue, anxiety, crying episodes, trouble sleeping, and panic attacks because your hormones are yet to reset to pre-pregnancy levels.  The symptoms may be more intense after the first few weeks, but if these symptoms persist for…

Best Bottled Water: BPA-Free, High Electrolytes & Heavy Metal Free

BPA is a synthetic estrogen in many plastics and resins used to make food and beverage containers, including baby bottles, water bottles, and cans. It has been linked with various health concerns, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and reproductive problems. While the FDA has determined that BPA is safe at low levels, some companies have…