
Codependency Books: Getting the Love You Deeply Crave

Codependency is a theory that describes unhealthy patterns of codependents and their partners in a relationship. It is an imbalance of power and control in which codependents often give too much of themselves at the expense of their well-being. Codependents generally enable their partner’s negative behaviors, including addiction, emotional or physical abuse, or other destructive…


The Best List of Jobs for People With Social Anxiety!

Social Anxiety Social phobia or social anxiety is referred to as intimidation of public places, social interactions, and social situations. This anxiety stems from intimidation of being evaluated or judged by the people around. Social anxiety is rated as the third largest phobia in the world among other mental health problems. Irrational fear and worrying…


Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety, Depression & Mental Clarity

Muscle relaxation techniques helped parents with children suffering from leukemia feel less anxious and stressed (Pouraboli et al., 2019). A variety of relaxation techniques are used during exposure or to help someone calm down after emotional flooding or even crying. This is not to say that crying is wrong, but if you feel you need…