5 Reasons You Need Vitamin C for Adrenal Fatigue+ Tips for Healing
Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients for your adrenal function. It is an essential vitamin that helps regulate your immune system and has many crucial functions in the body. A lack of vitamin c can lead to a wide variety of complications, including anxiety, depression, insomnia and fatigue. This article will discuss 7 reasons why Vitamin C is so important for your adrenal health!
Table of Contents
What is adrenal fatigue and what are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue?
The adrenal glands are two small glands that sit right above your kidneys. They produce hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, that help control how the body responds to stressors both physical and psychological. Adrenal dysfunction (also called “adrenal fatigue”) occurs when these hormones become depleted or unbalanced for a variety of reasons such as prolonged illness or chronic sleep deprivation. The symptoms vary depending on what stage you’re at in your adrenals’ cycle:
- insomnia
- irritability
- muscle weakness
- anxiety attacks
- low blood pressure with dizziness upon standing up quickly/standing upright from sitting down too long – even depression!
-Adrenaline is released during stressful times; it gives an extra energy when trying to run from danger.
-Cortisol is released during times of stress to mobilize stored energy, provide an emotional buffer and regulate the immune system.
Consuming sugar increases your cortisol production and causes your body to endure more stress.
The worst types of vitamin C for adrenal fatigue are ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate alone. This is because they have a high concentration that may be hard on your gut lining. Instead, choose one with citrus bioflavonoids such as lemon peel extract or grapefruit seed extract which can actually stimulate the production of cortisol in your adrenals while also balancing inflammation!
Best Sources: The best vitamin c for helping with adrenal dysfunction comes from fruits like oranges, guava, lemons and strawberries all naturally contain vitamin c and other nutrients like potassium among others (even more!)
How does vitamin C help with adrenal fatigue
Vitamin C deficiency can look like poor adrenal health or chronic stress responses. There are several theories out there that may provide clues to this puzzle.
It is suggested that a lack of vitamin C in your body can cause changes in your brain neurotransmitters such as dopamine. Which have been linked with worsening symptoms of depression (which includes increased sensitivity to emotional stimuli) and anxiety. Other negative moods like anger or hostility.” When you’re deficient in Vitamin C, these hormones get thrown off balance making?
– As mentioned before, vitamin C can help to prevent cortisol from being used up too quickly and it helps with energy.
In addition, vitamin c helps support immune function which is impaired due to prolonged stress. Your body suppresses immune function to allow your body to “fight or flight”.
– People with adrenal fatigue often exhibit low vitamin B12 and other vitamins that are necessary for good energy levels. Vitamin c converts glucose into glycogen more effectively and without being depleted by our constant stressors on the system.”
– The best time to take vitamin c is in the morning dose to not to disrupt sleep at night.
Start by taking 500mg per hour after waking up will get us enough based on how much your stomach can handle.
Does Vitamin C Help Lower Cortisol?
There’s no set answer to this question. Studies show vitamin C help lower cortisol levels if taken at the right time and with proper doses.
We have lost our ability to produce Vitamin C therefore we need to consume it.
Foods rich in vitamin C
– Foods that are rich in vitamin C include:
- citrus fruits
- broccoli
- strawberries
- peppers
- kiwi
- plums
- kale
- sweet potatoes
Another reason to take Vitamin C for adrenal fatigue is it supports the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine which help regulate moods and stress.
It regulates blood pressure by binding excess sodium found in salt. It has been shown to improve cardiovascular health through its antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy teeth through strengthening collagen formation.”
“In order to combat adrenal fatigue we need more than just taking some supplements; there must also be lifestyle changes made.
Supplements that provide vitamin C
The best form of vitamin C for adrenal fatigue is potassium ascorbate because it’s the most bio-available form and does not cause stomach upset like some other forms do, such as sodium ascorbate or crystals. If you have a sensitive gut, make sure to start with small doses (500 mg) until your body can adjust to the larger amounts that will be needed once your adrenals are back on track. The dosage needs to increase over time and may take many months before you see full benefits from treatment due to how long it takes the body’s tissues to turn nutrients into energy again.
Your typical dose is 1000 – 3000mg per day taken in divided doses throughout the day, every two hours. When you are sick it is good to take lots of vitamin c every few hours, doing a vitamin c flush , or drinking vitamin c water.
Vitamin C is important for your adrenal function because it helps produce a healthy balance of cortisol and adrenaline, which regulate sleep cycles, blood pressure, sugar levels and the immune system. Stressful events can reduce your ability to make vitamin C as well as affect how much you need. Supplements are recommended when you have depleted vitamin stores due to stressors such as illness or poor diet choices; however if you’re taking antibiotics be sure not to take extra supplements at this time since they may interfere with antibiotic effectiveness.”
Best Vitamin C For Adrenals
If you have stomach issues I highly recommend a Buffered C like Life Extension Vitamin C. Powders mixed up to liquids will be absorbed faster than a capsule.
If you don’t do well with Liquids then I recommend a Vitamin C with Quercetin like the Life Extension Fast-C:
My last but not least recommendation is if you know you are not good at taking pills throughout the day. If you do better taking a pill in the morning and not worrying about taking them the rest of the time then this one is for you.
A liposomal Vitamin C is slowly absorbed because it is fat soluble compared to a normal vitamin c which is water soluble. Therefore it stays in your system longer and it doesn’t get urinated out as soon.
Tips to incorporate more foods into your diet for increased intake of Vitamin C
If you work out a lot and would like to see more muscle growth and better recovery, vitamin c is your friend. Vitamin c helps increase collagen production, which is the building block for muscle.
– The best way to maximize vitamin c intake through food is by eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables every day
– Some foods that are high in Vitamin C include bell peppers, red peppers, oranges, kiwi fruit, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. – When you start feeling run down or tired it’s important not just take some supplements but instead make lifestyle changes as your body needs more than just vitamin c vitamins; there must be an increased level of exercise too if adrenal fatigue has reached this point. You should focus on exercises that provide endorphins like yoga so you
Tips to get enough sleep at night
Putting your phone away.
Going to bed before 11 pm, because your body wakes back up again after 11.
No caffeine or stimulating supplements after 3 pm (including vitamin c, b, or adaptogenic herbs that can be stimulating).
Avoid eating late at night, because if your body is tired it may be sending you signals that you need food. However, if you have eaten at least 3 filling meals during the day, try to avoid giving in to cravings.
Do not eat sugary desserts, soda or tons of water before bed as this can cause you to wake up and need to urinate during the night.
Sleep in a cool environment.
Get exercise during the day, not late at night.
Sunshine can make a huge difference in mood and sleep patterns
If you have a hard time sleeping which is often common with stress, adrenal fatigue and anxiety. I highly recommend you check out my blog post on which magnesium is best for anxiety. Magnesium can help you fall asleep, especially if you have tried other supplements like melatonin and it just isn’t working for you anymore.
What exercises should you do if you suffer from adrenal fatigue?
– Try yoga if you enjoy this form of exercise. Yoga exercises help bring down levels of cortisol and increase GABA levels in your brain, so they are perfect for those with low energy as a result of adrenal glands being overworked by high levels of cortisol.
– You should avoid intense forms of exercise such as running or weightlifting while dealing with adrenal fatigue due to the stress these things put on your system (in fact, any kind of strenuous activity may be too much). If you do want some type of physical workout then try walking or strength training that is slow and controlled movements for shorter durations.
– Try to limit your caffeine intake as it stimulates the production of cortisol. Limit coffee, tea and energy drinks. Stick to green or white teas for those with adrenal fatigue.
– Avoid alcohol consumption altogether if you are dealing with adrenal exhaustion due to the high levels of stress this puts on your body which can make symptoms worse. Consider eliminating any other type of stimulant from your diet such as sugar, foods containing additives, MSG, etc., too since these things all increase cortisol levels in the blood stream and should be avoided by people who have low energy due an overproduction of cortisol caused by their exhausted adrenal glands.
What is Adrenaline?
Adrenaline is a hormone that helps maintain normal functions and gets the body going in the morning. It is also known as epinephrine and it helps to control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rates, and body temperature.
– Adrenal fatigue can lead to headaches/migraines or muscle pain/stiffness in addition to chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia or autoimmune disorders like lupus.
The best form of vitamin c for adrenal fatigue: not all forms of vitamin c are created equal! Take Vitamin C with bioflavonoids together which will maximize absorption into your system without creating any stomach issues. You should also be sure not only use natural sources containing vitamin C but those
Adrenal fatigue is a condition that develops when the adrenal glands are overworked and under-rested. This can happen for various reasons, including chronic stress or obesity to name just two. Symptoms include low energy levels, sugar cravings, heavy menstrual cycles in women, insomnia (or interrupted sleep), and muscle weakness.
In order to combat these symptoms naturally, you should try supplementing with vitamin C on a regular basis as well as incorporating foods rich in Vitamin C into your diet like oranges & strawberries! If you want to learn how I alleviate my own anxiety naturally check out my course “Holistic Anxiety Relief”.
Originally posted 2021-07-01 03:31:54.
Megan Santiago
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