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Unlock the Secret to How to Reduce Cortisol Levels Naturally

Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone influencing energy and our sleep and wake cycle. Melatonin causes people to fall asleep, and cortisol wakes them up in the morning. However, when circadian rhythms are off, high levels of caffeine are consumed, vitamins are depleted, abuse occurs, or even just an extensive amount of stress can cause elevated…

These Food Sensitivities Could Be Stressing You Out

These Food Sensitivities Could Be Stressing You Out

Do you ever find yourself struggling with anxiety, and you can’t understand what could have triggered it? Sometimes, our anxiety has a clear trigger. Other times, it can seem to come out of nowhere. The evidence is growing—food sensitivities are linked to our mental health. Who knew that certain foods could trigger anxiety. Furthermore, who knew that a holistic diet could help alleviate it?

20 Christmas Gift Ideas: Save Yourself Some Time & Stress!

20 Christmas Gift Ideas: Save Yourself Some Time & Stress!

I am going to give you a list of some healthy or some fun gifts for everyone on your list! To save you stress and hassle, and you do not even have to leave your couch… AT ALL! So Checkout out the list below to save yourself hours of research and you can even have the gifts delivered to your door wrapped and ready to go! Look at you super-star!