27 Exhilarating Reasons to Live: When It Seems Impossible
It is easy to get caught up in the busyness and lifelong pursuit of career and success that we forget to live life to the fullest. For most people, life is about social expectations – going to school, getting a job, growing through the ranks, paying bills, getting married, and raising kids.
This monotonous lifestyle leaves little room for one to explore themselves and the pleasures of living. Life is meant to be experienced; it shouldn’t be a long stressful journey; it should be an enjoyable ride.
However, challenging yourself to do something simple but fun every day can change your perspective dramatically and give you more reasons to live a long and prosperous life!
Table of Contents
Get Help
If you are having, have, or know someone who has suffered from suicidal thoughts, self-harm, feelings of hopelessness or has attempted suicide previously, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the national suicide prevention hotline.
Speaking to a mental health professional can help you learn healthier coping skills that can help you see the many reasons to live. Immediate crisis intervention is vital if someone talks about harming themselves.
Suicide Statistics
According to the CDC, a life is lost every 11 minutes from death by suicide. That statistic shows that over 1.2 million American adults attempted suicide, and suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death in children 10-14 and young adults 25-34 years old.
These statistics show the importance of taking care of our mental health, dealing with our emotional pain, and increased advocacy to break the mental health stigma is essential.
High levels of substance use and abuse in teenagers contribute to increased suicide risks. Over 2.08 million teenagers reported using drugs within the last month, and 11.2% of overdoses are in individuals ages 15-24.
Substances are presented in a way that is very appealing to adolescents, teenagers, and young adults. Substance abuse could be decreased if these young minds were not influenced to believe that getting drunk or being high is such a “cool” thing. When younger, vulnerable minds become addicted to substances it makes it much harder to stop later in life.
At-Risk Individuals
Individuals who suffer from certain mental disorders have an increased risk for suicide.
- Individuals expressing feelings of hopelessness
- Depression
- Frequent substance abuse
- Bipolar (15x the risk of the general population)
- Traumatic Childhood
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Warning Signs of Suicide
- Self-cutting/self-harm
- Distress
- Withdrawal
- Overdosing/ resorting to using pills
- Expressing “wanting to die”
- Increased risky behavior
- Focus on death and dying
Reasons to Live
1. Time Flies
If there’s one thing we should all know, time waits for no one. Today you’re young, and tomorrow the grey hairs will begin to appear. So, enjoy your youth or any stage of life you find yourself in.
Being mindful and present can help you focus on the time that you do have to enjoy. Also, ask yourself “what is the most important thing in my life right now?”
2. You Only Get One Life
There are no do-overs in life, so you have to make the most of your time, and you don’t know when that time will come. So, don’t wait until you’re in your 30s or 40s to do something you love; like Nike, just do it.
3. Avoid Regrets Later in Life
You don’t want to grow old and regret not living life to the fullest; it’s a sad, sad experience. You can’t travel back in time to make up for the lost time, so why not make those memories now? Connect with old friends, hang out, have fun, and go on adventures. Live!!
4. Money
Money comes and goes but it can be replaced, it can be invested and grow and you can always make more of it. If you find that you are in a tough financial situation start by writing out your budget and see if you could make any adjustments to focus more on some of the areas that are most important to you.
Find ways to save money and make extra money as well to help you take your focus away from financial stress.
Are your habits currently helping you get towards your financial goals or could you tweak them short-term to help you out long-term?
Money can allow you to try new things, travel, and explore and it is a reward for the hard work you put in. This can help increase your dopamine if you create financial goals around your passions and you work towards a small vacation or pay off debt.
Creating a written plan and checking it off can increase your dopamine by making you feel accomplished and motivating you to want to accomplish more of these goals. Use a financial planner or budget to help you see how you are working towards your goals. When it is written it is much easier to see the progress you’ve made and give yourself credit.
- Each month write down your monthly financial goals.
- Put reminders of bills and payments due on the calendar. Make a monthly spending plan before you spend. Use predefined expense categories to plan your monthly budget.
- At the end of the month, review what happened, spot bad spending habits, think about how you can improve next month.
5. Happiness
When you live life to the fullest, happiness is the result. You will love your life more and enjoy every day!
You won’t experience true happiness when you’re in the rat race; it comes when you let yourself enjoy the things that add meaning and purpose to your life. Examples? See nature, go on vacations, try new fun activities, move to a new city, discover new cultures, foods, etc.
Happiness comes from within and there are natural ways to increase your happiness neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. Improving your overall confidence in yourself can be very helpful in helping you feel happier.
Work on liking who you are and being your biggest cheerleader, this will help you base your happiness on yourself rather than others.
6. Life is Not a Competition
So, please don’t make it one! Don’t let your happiness be determined by your position compared to the next person’s. That mindset only attracts stress and anxiety, and depression. Focus on your lane, do what makes you happy, and move at your pace.
You are your own person and the only person you should compare yourself to is yourself. Ask yourself if you are where you want to be in life, don’t judge yourself but create a game plan. Figure out how you can work towards your goals, without focusing on your past mistakes.
7. Reduce Stress and Depression
Here’s another crucial reason to live life to the fullest, your health! People who get overwhelmed by the worries of this life usually push themselves more than they should. Like I said earlier, life is not a competition, and your job or career shouldn’t sum up your life. There’s more to life; explore it!
Stress and anxiety often occur from a wish for the current situation to be different than it currently is. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy teaches us to focus on appreciating everything in the present and changing our opinions.
8. You Will Meet Others Like You
As you live your life determined to enjoy every bit of it, you will meet like-minds who resonate with you. You’re not alone in this journey. You’re not the only one living life to the fullest.
Find a community that you can relate to, either in person or online you can find individuals who like the same things you do. If you are struggling with grief, find a grief group that can relate to what you are going through and can express their feelings, memories, and experiences.
On a more positive note, you can find groups that enjoy video games, working out, blogging, traveling, cooking, art, music, etc. Finding your community can be very important to make you boost your confidence and help you relate to others. Likeminded people can help you stay focused on the goals you have and help you find the desire to pursue what you want.
9. Make Wonderful Memories
One of the best things about living your best life is making lovely memories. You can always recall these memories and relive the fun. And when you’re old, instead of regretting what you never did, you’d be proud of a life well-lived.
Every day is a new day to make new memories and try new things.
Pro tip: challenge yourself to try something new every week. Try a new restaurant, workout, movie theater, bike trail, book, etc.
10. Build Strong Relationships
Living life to the fullest also means meeting people and building relationships. Relationships are crucial for many things, including happiness and fulfillment. So, don’t be shy to make friends; life is sweeter with people who care about you.
Spend time with your loved ones and focus on the strengths they bring to your life.
11. Achieve Your Dreams
Some people push their dreams aside to do the norm or what society expects of them, and that’s no way to live. Your dreams are valid, and when you decide to live without fear, your dreams will begin to find expression and come to fruition.
Write out your goals and make a short-term list that adds up to your long-term goals. Actually writing it down and checking it off helps you see that you are achieving your dreams rather than trying to remember all that you have done.
I use a planner to write out my day and my week, and I weekly write out my goals for the week that will help me increase my healthy habits and work towards my financial and health goals. At the end of the week, I write what I accomplished and what else I can improve and this helps me see how my behaviors impact my progress.
12. Overcome Fear
Some people are terrified about letting themselves free to live life on their terms, explore opportunities, or change the course of their lives. Sometimes, it’s the fear of the unknown, and while it’s normal to be scared, know that fear never goes away. People who decide to live life to the fullest don’t do it in the absence of fear; they’re very much aware it’s there and do it anyway.
Fear is meant to protect our minds and bodies from going into harmful situations. However, we oftentimes have a difficult time trying new things and we tend to stay in our comfort zones and anything outside of that can be too scary.
Exposure therapy is something you can work on with your therapist to help you overcome those fears that keep you from pursuing your dreams.
13. You Have a Gift/Talent
Your talent makes you unique and brings out your best, true self. And the beautiful thing is that you can use your gifts to make other people happy. You may be a fantastic singer, dancer, or comedian, but whatever it is, that’s a reason to live life to the fullest.
And no, you don’t have to turn every talent into a career; that’s what society often dictates. Allow yourself to enjoy the feeling of doing something helpful to others. Sharing your talents with others is a great reason to live and make the world a better place, once you have worked on making yourself better and you can share that with others.
Art and music therapy are both used to help individuals overcome anxiety and depression. Pick up a paintbrush, instrument, skateboard, or sing a song, even if you think you will not be good, try it.
Figure out what it is that makes you happy, allows you to be creative, and share that with others.
14. The World Awaits
History is replete with tales of inventions, discoveries, adventures, and advancements. Most of them were not orthodox at the time, and most were deviant from unwritten social rules, but today we celebrate them.
Living life to the fullest opens you up to life’s possibilities. You don’t have to limit yourself, and you don’t have to follow the norms. Your geeky, weird, or nerdy ideas may be widely accepted tomorrow.
15. Inspire Others
People who aren’t so focused on making a living but making a life are huge inspirations to others. That’s because they’ve unlocked a part of themselves most people haven’t. You can inspire others if you choose to live life to the fullest.
16. Nothing Is Stopping You
Finally, nothing can stop you from making your life fun, meaningful, and enjoyable. You’re the only one who can do that, and you do it through your actions or inactions.
You have choices every day and you can choose to let the hardships pull you down or you can focus on pursuing your dreams and believing in yourself.
Are you feeling down and out? Dejected and distressed with no hope or motivation to keep on living? Are you having suicidal thoughts and certain that there’s nothing left for you in this life? You’re not alone; there are others like you and many more who have survived and now live a beautiful, meaningful life. That could be your story too!
While it’s easy to say that everything will be fine, we know that may do little to help your condition. And that’s why we’ve pieced together more convincing reasons to live. You will find each one helpful and relatable; we also share how to find meaning and happiness in your life.
17. It is Not Over Yet
Life can be overwhelming, emotions can run wild, and people can be overbearing. When you feel helpless or hopeless, know that it is not a permanent condition and it is merely a phase that will pass with time. Whatever you lost can be recovered, and you can find success where you failed. It is not over.
18. You Are Not Your Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes; everyone hurts the people who love them. When you do, don’t feel as though you’re the worst person on earth or your loved ones are better off without you. Don’t let your mistakes define you; learn to move on from them and focus on doing better.
19. Things You Care About
Sometimes bringing up the people who care about you may not mean much, but how about those things you care about? Your furry pet, the social justice movement, or helping younger people achieve their dreams. Whatever it is, it’s a perfect reason to live.
20. Your Hopes and Dreams
As long as you’re alive, there is hope, and your dreams are achievable. Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and you will realize your goals with time. Let the joy of finally succeeding give you a reason to live and keep going. And at that time, you will look back on the journey with gratitude that you stuck it out.
21. You Will Find Your Purpose
Not everyone discovers themselves early, and not everyone knows their deal until later in life. Be patient with yourself, and you will find meaning in your life. When you add the general life principle of seeking, you will eventually find your purpose. Be patient with yourself.
22. Time Makes it Better
If you’ve experienced trauma, pain, rejection, or any event that has left you debating your existence, time will help. Time will not erase what happened, and you will still have the memories, but it will reduce the pain. You will also learn to manage your feelings better, so don’t give in to any negative thoughts of self-harm.
23. The solution is Usually Inconceivable in Distress
Usually, when we’re in distress, we tend to focus on the problem. It’s difficult to think up solutions or find one. At such times, suicidal thoughts and other negative inclinations may pop up.
It is completely normal because you’re trying to avoid pain, to end it. But, don’t do it! There may be solutions you aren’t seeing now because your mind is clouded and your spirit is broken. When the phase is over, you will see things more clearly.
24. You’re Not Alone
You have a family, friends, and people who care about your well-being. Sometimes, it may feel like they don’t, but that might be because you haven’t shared your issues with them. They can help if you give them a chance.
If you have nobody like that, there are lovely people at the National Suicide Prevention center who are willing to talk to you. Call them at 800-273-8255.
25. You Are Important
Read these words carefully – You Matter. Again – You Are Important. Don’t let anyone or anything make you feel otherwise. You are beautiful, intelligent, and awesome! Make these affirmations and own them because they will always be true. And guess what? The world needs a special person like you. And that leads to the next point.
26. The World Needs You
You are talented and gifted and have unique abilities. You are one of a kind, and you fill a void on this earth no one else can fill. However small or insignificant you think your gifts are, the world needs them. We need to hear your voice; we need you here with us. The world is much better with you in it.
27. You Determine the Future
If you need a reason to live, how about this – you can create your future! It doesn’t matter how bad things are now; your decisions today will change the future. You can turn things around for good and make a better life. And it’s not difficult; you are the painter, the sculptor, now do your thing! Create!
How to Find Meaning in Your Life
To reinforce the reasons to live discussed earlier, let’s now see how to find meaning in your life. When you find meaning, life becomes more enjoyable and fulfilling. Use the following pointers.
Convert Your Pain to Purpose
This is one of the best ways to find meaning in your life. If you struggled with something and became better, you can become an inspiration to others experiencing the same thing. For instance, you could find meaning by becoming a mental health coach if you had mental health issues and overcame them.
We do not grow without struggles and we can become more resilient by struggling and figuring out how to deal with those struggles. These difficulties may be challenging but know they are not for forever and they can and will get better.
Explore Your Passions
Life is meaningful when you do the things that make you happy and fulfilled. Your interests and passions are a good place to start. Explore those things you like, and see how you can make something of it. For instance, if you’re passionate about helping young people, you can start an intervention program for that demographic.
Move With People Who Inspire You
The more time you spend with great people, and like minds, the more you come into your own. You will find inspiration, help, support, and challenge yourself to do better. That is opposed to hanging with people who don’t add much value to your life.
Other ways to find meaning in life include:
- Join a cause
- Define your priorities
- Develop a vision
- Make a plan to achieve your vision
Mental Hacks You Must Know
- You can not control how other people feel, so do not blame yourself if those around you make poor decisions and say that you made them feel a certain way.
- Use grounding techniques and focus on the present, this is super helpful in drowning out the noise around you.
- Thoughts are NOT facts. Thoughts can come and go across your mind but they do not define you and they are not factual just because they appear.
- Taking care of yourself is important. Exercising, sleeping, meditating, eating a nutrient-dense diet, and setting boundaries in your life can do wonders.
- Your happiness is based on your perspective. It is not based on how your partner makes you feel or your boss’s opinion, but only yours. If you focus on how important your opinion of yourself is then negative statements will not feel so impactful.
Research shows that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy helped veterans decrease the number of suicide events and the amount of suicide attempts. (Interian et al., 2021)
Mindfulness-based stress reduction also helped veterans suffering from PTSD and sexual assault victims cope with the traumas they experienced. Individuals who experience this type of trauma are prone to higher suicide rates.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been used to help families minimize the risks of teens reattempting suicide. Through Safe Alternatives for Teens and Youths (SAFETY) treatments include a dialectical behavioral informed-family treatment and cognitive-behavioral therapy. (Asarnow et al., 2017)
Closing Thoughts
Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed, not endured. Don’t get caught up in the rat race and competitions that stifle people’s happiness; instead, choose to be different. Choose to live your life to the fullest and make every day count. You will love your life and appreciate life more. There are many reasons to keep going, despite hardship. Without struggles we would not have room to grow, this creates resilience and it is a valuable skill we can learn.
Asarnow, J. R., Hughes, J. L., Babeva, K. N., & Sugar, C. A. (2017). Cognitive-Behavioral Family Treatment for Suicide Attempt Prevention: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 56(6), 506–514. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2017.03.015
Interian, A., Chesin, M. S., Stanley, B., Latorre, M., St Hill, L. M., Miller, R. B., King, A. R., Boschulte, D. R., Rodriguez, K. M., & Kline, A. (2021). Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Preventing Suicide in Military Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 82(5), 20m13791. https://doi.org/10.4088/JCP.20m13791
Originally posted 2022-05-27 19:06:24.
Megan Santiago
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