How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally From Home
1 in 3 adults or 75 million adults have high blood pressure, according to the cdc.
That’s crazy! So out of both sets of grandparents at least 1 of them is likely to be struggling with high blood pressure.
Now why do we care if our blood pressure is higher than the normal level (approximately 120/80)?
According to the cdc “High blood pressure can harden your arteries, which decreases the flow of blood and oxygen to your heart and lead to heart disease. In addition, decreased blood flow to the heart can cause:
- Chest pain, also called angina.
- Heart failure, a condition when your heart can’t pump enough blood and oxygen to your other organs.
- A Heart attack, which occurs when the blood supply to your heart is blocked. Then the heart muscle begins to die without enough oxygen. Furthermore, the longer the blood flow is blocked, the greater the damage to the heart.”
Effects of High Blood Pressure:
Table of Contents
“Sexual dysfunction
The inability to have and maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction) becomes increasingly common in men as they reach age 50. But men with high blood pressure are even more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. That’s because limited blood flow caused by high blood pressure can block blood from flowing to your penis.
Women can also experience sexual dysfunction as a result of high blood pressure. Reduced blood flow to the vagina can lead to a decrease in sexual desire or arousal, vaginal dryness, or difficulty achieving orgasm.” (
Not to mention damage to the following:
- eyes
- kidneys
- brain
- heart and arteries
What is high blood pressure?
Here is a chart from the American Heart Association & American Stroke Association. Stating that High Blood Pressure is 130 or higher for Systolic which is (the upper number) or above 80 for Diastolic (the bottom number).
What about for optimal health?
“In year 2013, a published analysis of 18 prior studies showed that people whose systolic blood pressure was in the range of 120–139 mmHgwere at a 50% increased risk of coronary heart disease and 71% increased risk of stroke.7“……. “suggesting most people target their blood pressure around Life Extension’s optimal range of 115/75 mmHg.” (
How can I improve my heart health with food?
People always say “I healed myself by eating cleaner”. Now what the heck does that even mean? “Eating cleaner.” Well to me, a balanced diet and eating REAL food that comes from the ground or has a mother is what eating cleaner looks like. Not googling what the next diet is to help me lose 20lbs in a week, but actually aiming to fuel my body.
Firstly, there is a nutrient, an amino acid, called L-Arginine. You probably have taken or heard of if you’ve ever stepped into a GNC or or worked with a personal trainer. Meanwhile, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Some are called essential meaning we are supposed to consume them in our diet. Others are nonessential, meaning the body can produce them.
We included 11 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials involving 387 participants with oral L-arginine intervention ranging from 4 to 24 g/d. Sensitivity analyses restricted to trials with a duration of 4 weeks or longer….
This meta-analysis provides further evidence that oral L-arginine supplementation significantly lowers both systolic and diastolic BP.” (
However, this one amino acid in particular is the pre-cursor for something called N.O or Nitric Oxide.
“Following its benchmark discovery, nitric oxide (NO) is now known to play important functional roles in a variety of physiological systems. Within the vasculature, NO induces vasodilation, inhibits platelet aggregation, prevents neutrophil/platelet adhesion to endothelial cells, inhibits smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration, regulates programmed cell death (apoptosis) and maintains endothelial cell barrier function.
NO generated by neurons acts as a neurotransmitter, whereas NO generated by macrophages in response to invading microbes acts as an antimicrobial agent. Because neurons, blood vessels and cells of the immune system are integral parts of the reproductive organs, and in view of the important functional role that NO plays in those systems, it is likely that NO is an important regulator of the biology and physiology of the reproductive system.” (
How to Lower Blood Pressure from Home:
“Oral magnesium acts as a natural calcium channel blocker, increases nitric oxide, improves endothelial dysfunction, and induces direct and indirect vasodilation.” ( Magnesium is a mineral and an electrolyte, often found in leafy greens, nuts and fruits and vegetables.
You are taught to exercise for improved heart health and aren’t told that exercise.On the other hand, even though healthy, exercise is still a form of stress on the body.
Therefore, if you are already a very stressed-out, get sick every other week person, then don’t go run a marathon. I would be dropping to the floor like this lady in the pic and doing some yoga.
Deep stretching and meditation can help improve circulation and minimize stress.
Is a great way to help you relax before bed, wind down and reading peaceful literature can help your mind feel at ease. In a quiet room, curled up on the couch with a good book or downloading a stress-relieving e-book like the one I have written Living Fearlessly: Getting Rid of Anxiety and Fear. On how to feel more confident, stress-free and relieve that debilitating anxiety. Anxiety can be very tough on your heart and can raise your blood pressure.
Epsom Salt Baths
Epsom salt contains minerals including magnesium and soaking for 15-20 mins can help hydrate your body, help you sleep well and minimize stress. Which again in return can improve overall blood pressure.
Next, add in a few drops of essential oils such as lavender or eucalyptus. Therefore, in order to help you relax and relieve muscle soreness.
Originally posted 2019-12-14 21:25:00.
Megan Santiago
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