Doubts About How To Swaddle A Baby: Supplies Needed
To know how to swaddle a baby is a potentially life-changing talent, especially for new mothers. However, you don’t have to be an expert in swaddling. We will help you learn about swaddling your newborn step by step in this article.
If you don’t want to learn how to swaddle a baby and would like a similar solution with a sleepsuit, here is the sleepsuit I used with my son for a while and highly recommend it!
- Microfleece
- The Merlin Magic Sleepsuit is the original swaddle transition product
- The Magic Sleepsuit is designed for back sleeping in the crib at the recommended room temperature for babies
- Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit was invented by a mother of four and pediatric physical therapist
Table of Contents
What is Swaddling?
Being a new parent, you might not know how to swaddle your baby. Don’t worry! We have covered answers to all your questions in this article.
Swaddling is an ancient age-old method in which you gently wrap your tiny one in a soft, breathable, and light swaddle sheet to help them feel soothe and calm. These swaddle wraps make them feel snug and secure like they felt in their mother’s womb. This method is beneficial to both the baby and the parents by letting them sleep more healthily.
What Is the Proper Way to Swaddle a Baby?
The most appropriate way to wrap your tiny ones is to cover them in a way that is not too tight or not too loose for the baby. If it’s too tight, there are chances of developing problems in Baby’s hip joint.
Make sure your newborn can freely move their knees and hip to avoid any joint issues. To keep your Baby safe, wrap the body of your baby, excluding their neck and head. And don’t forget to monitor them while they are sleeping, all wrapped in a swaddling sheet like a burrito!
If you want to know whether you have to swaddle the baby too tight or not, use the “two-finger test.” All you need to do is try to insert two of your fingers beneath the swaddle sheet and the chest of your baby. Now, if you feel that your fingers fit comfortably beneath the wrap, pat yourself on the back for rightly swaddling your tiny sweet pea.
Swaddling a Newborn is Safe?
The answer is a big Yes! Swaddling is very beneficial in the initial months of your newborn. It helps keep them calm and lets them sleep more peacefully if you follow the proper techniques.
Also, always leave good breathing space for your baby while you swaddle them.
Avoid covering the neck and head for a safe swaddle. And always lay them down to sleep on their back, especially when you swaddle them. For the additional safety of your baby, you can take help from your Baby’s health provider.
What Kind of Fabric Should Be Used?
Just like knowing how to swaddle a baby is essential, Swaddle wrap fabric is also fundamental, and choosing the correct sheet or blanket is crucial for your baby. Baby skin is susceptible, so you must carefully select the blanket or sheet to avoid skin rash or allergies.
Generally, blankets or muslin sheets made from natural materials like cotton, linen, or blended cotton, are safe. However, I prefer to use specialized cotton-winged swaddles. Usually, 100% cotton muslins are very light and breathable for newborns. In addition, these lightweight sheets help to keep your baby from overheating while sleeping.
- Soft, Breathable, and Absorbent
- Cute and comfortable, these swaddling blankets for babies can be used to support infants and parents as a tummy time blankie, nursing cover up, changing table or stroller cover, burp cloth, and more.
How to Swaddle, Step-by-Step
Now it’s the time to answer the frequently asked burning question of how to swaddle a baby? Below are the simple, safe, and easy steps for new parents.
1. Spread the Swaddle Sheet on a Flat Surface
Take your muslin sheet and place it over a flat surface in the shape of a diamond. Now fold the top corner of the sheet almost 5-6 inches. Another way to fold your sheet is by folding one corner over the other, making a perfect triangle.
2. Keep the Head and Neck Out of The Sheet
Place your baby in the middle of the sheet, keeping its neck and head above the folded corner of the sheet. Keep the shoulders of the baby lower than the folded corner of the sheet. Next, place your baby face-up, keeping the body of the newborn straight on the muslin.
3. Swaddle the Arms and Legs of the Baby
Now gently hold both arms straight, wrap the sheet’s right corner, bottom, and left corner over the baby, and tightly tuck it all under the baby’s body.
If your baby is very active and quickly takes out their arms from the sheet, wrap this naughty one differently. Hold the baby’s right arm and cover the right corner over the baby’s chest, keeping the right arm wrapped under the muslin. Leaving the left arm free, secure the sheet beneath the baby’s body on the left side.
4. Tuck their legs in
Now to secure the legs, fold the bottom corner of the sheet over the baby’s feet, and tuck the sheet under the chin of the baby in the first fold. Next, straighten the baby’s left arm and place the remaining corner of the sheet across the baby’s chest, securing it underneath the body and keeping the left arm wrapped under the sheet.
You are an expert in how to swaddle your baby! So take a deep breath because your little munchkin is now ready to enjoy a comfortable sleep, being all wrapped up in a soft, fine muslin sheet.
If you don’t feel like going through all of this process, I recommend one of the swaddle sleepers like one of the Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuits.
- Microfleece
- The Merlin Magic Sleepsuit is the original swaddle transition product
- The Magic Sleepsuit is designed for back sleeping in the crib at the recommended room temperature for babies
- Baby Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit was invented by a mother of four and pediatric physical therapist
Benefits of Swaddling
There are several benefits of swaddling a newborn; we mention some below.
Apart from making your little one adorable, being all swaddled up like a burrito! Swaddling helps to keep your baby settled down and sleep more peacefully.
It keeps your baby secure, comfortable, and cozy, mimicking the snug feeling of a mother’s womb.
It keeps the baby from waking up early due to the Moro reflex, also known as the startle reflex. It refers to a condition when babies start shaking heads, moving legs and arms inward and outward, potentially forcing them to wake up in a cranky mood.
At What Age Do I Stop Swaddling My Baby?
You can keep your baby swaddle up for hours in the day, naps, and night for their sound sleep. Just follow the safe swaddling technique to keep your baby safe for hours during day and night time.
A baby keeps waking up for a feed and for changing diapers, so it gives them the chance to stretch their arms and legs in between these slots. So feel free to keep them swaddle up while keeping an eye on them all the time.
If you are doing a sleep training schedule you will most likely be recommended to stop swaddling your baby at a certain age. This is so they can freely roll around and move their arms, because having their arms bound to their sides may make them sleep poorly.
- Our gently weighted Zen Sack mimics the pressure your baby feels when held by you.
- Helping babies to self soothe & sleep through the night when not in your arms. Parents report longer sleep in 1-3 nights.
- (AGES 0 TO 24 MONTHS) - Whether you are looking to transition from a swaddle or the developmental changes are causing regressions, put these sleep disruptions to bed with the Zen Sack
When to Stop Swaddling the Baby?
It is vital for you as a parent to know when to stop swaddling your little one. It is an excellent way to keep your newborn under control, but once the sweet pea learns to roll over and frequently set the arms and legs free from the muslin sheets, it’s the right time to stop swaddling the baby. A baby usually learns to roll over at the age of 2 months. Till that time, enjoy your tiny one wrapped up all day long.
Things to Keep in Mind
Besides learning how to swaddle the baby in the right way, you should keep in mind that never swaddle your baby too tight.
A tight swaddle can restrict the baby from moving the hips and knee joints, which is unhealthy and harmful for a newborn. In addition, it can cause hip dysplasia which refers to a condition in which a baby’s hip does not develop in the proper form. So it should be firm and comfortable.
Avoid putting swaddled babies to sleep on their front or left/right sides; always lay them down on their backs.
Keep checking the baby’s body temperature to ensure they don’t get too hot and sweaty. Maintain a moderate temperature by using the right fabric according to the weather conditions. Over layering should be avoided.
Never breastfeed a swaddled newborn; it is not healthy and restricts the hand movement of the baby. The baby’s active use of hands improves latching.
I don’t recommend wrapping them while feeding as it can make them fall asleep before properly finishing it.
Last but not least, do not start the practice unless you are well-trained in swaddling the baby rightly.
Remember, there are different ways adapted worldwide when it comes to dealing with a baby. However, some general rules stay the same. The same applies to swaddling, in which you have to take note of these critical points stated above. Ask your expert for in-depth advice if needed.
To improve the length of time your baby naps or sleep, trying a rocker that mimics your natural movement could be very helpful!
- 5 unique motions & speeds
- Bluetooth Enabled – control motion & sound
- 4 built-in sounds & MP3 plug-in
- Smooth, woven nylon material
- Machine washable seat fabric
- AC Adaptor – no batteries required
- Adjustable seat recline. Removable seat fabric
- Weight Range: Birth to 25lbs (or when baby can sit up unassisted)
- Power: AC adapter (no batteries required)
- From the makers of the mamaRoo
Bottom Line
Knowing how to swaddle your baby offers many benefits, but it can be risky at the same time. So if you are on the fence about whether to swaddle your little munchkin or not, visit your baby’s health care provider, who can guide you with the pros and cons.
Those who are well aware of the benefits of swaddling can follow our step-by-step guide to get the hang of how to swaddle a baby easily.
You now know all our swaddling steps and answers to the frequently asked questions! Then, you are all set to safely swaddle your tiny one for a sound sleep.
Originally posted 2022-02-09 03:48:37.
Megan Santiago
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