15 Secrets To A Speedy C-Section Recovery

No matter how it’s done, childbirth is never easy. For those who have a c-section, recovery from the procedure can be grueling. C-section births occur when medically necessary during childbirth complications where vaginal delivery is life-threatening to mom or baby. Doctors will also schedule a c-section delivery when high-risk pregnancy complications are present. As a…


Bug Repellent: The Best Tips for Staying Itch Free

Have you ever felt like you’re the only person covered in bug bites at the neighborhood barbeque? Chances are, you’re not being paranoid. Instead, it’s probably your body’s unique chemical makeup and scent that makes you more popular than a juicy slice of watermelon. Everybody produces unique chemical signals, informed by genetics, immune system, and…

How to Feeling Relaxed with the Best L-theanine Supplements

How to Feeling Relaxed with the Best L-theanine Supplements

L-theanine is an amino acid that naturally occurs in green tea. L-theanine can be supplemented or absorbed through matcha green tea products. Chronic stress or trauma can weaken the immune system and contribute to autoimmune disorders and chronic illnesses. Green tea is known for its low levels of caffeine, rich antioxidants, and cholesterol-lowering benefits. L-theanine…

Ten Simple (But Important) Things To Remember About International Travel Checklist.

If you’re thinking of traveling abroad anytime soon, then this is the article for you. We’ve compiled a list of things that everyone should consider before going on their next trip to another country. From making sure your passport is valid and up-to-date to pack some essential items in your carry-on bag – it’s all…