Feel Less Anxious Without the Side Effects

Mental Health Support Using Lifestyle Changes & research-BACKED TECHNIQUES – From a therapist in training

As Seen On Feature Section
Mental Health

How to break a Fever

A fever causes an elevation in temperature brought on by inflammation, autoimmune disorders, and bacterial and viral infections. Hyperpyrexia differs from a fever, which occurs when a person’s temperature is 105.8 degrees F and above. The average temperature is 98.7 degrees, and a low-grade fever is 99.1 F to 100.4 F; a moderate grade is…

Kids Health | Mental Health

The VERY Best Supplements For a Child’s Anxiety

A child’s anxiety is a common condition that affects most children. This condition may present as fear or worry. It could also make your child irritable and angry. Most times, children with anxiety often have difficulty in sleeping, fatigue, headaches, and stomachaches. This article will teach you some supplements for a child’s anxiety.  Children can…

Mental Health

These Emerging Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate Are Sure to Please

Magnesium Glycinate is also known as Magnesium Bisglycinate. It is the combination of two glycinate molecules bound to magnesium. This enhances its bioavailability or absorption. What is Magnesium Glycinate? Magnesium is an electrolyte, and a mineral and glycine is an amino acid and when combined we have Magnesium Glycinate. Magnesium and glycine can be found…

Mental Health

Top 10 Interpersonal Skills You Need NOW for a Successful Career

Interpersonal skills are essential in our lives, but how many people think about their importance to the success of their careers? We depend on our interpersonal skills like effective speaking, active listening, respect, flexibility, and patience when interacting and creating connections. But interpersonal skills encompass a lot more than just socializing and getting along with…

What we focus on


Research-backed tips for coping with mental health concerns. I teach relaxation techniques and tips on how to change your thoughts and behaviors.

at-home workout

Lifestyle Changes

One green drink a day isn’t typically enough to resolve everything in your life. However, making small changes that add up to healthy habits can make you feel like you have some control over your health. I teach simple but effective ways to implement lifestyle changes without even thinking about it.

About Us

I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and I’m a Mental Health Counselor, if you want to learn more, click below.

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Hello! My name is Megan Santiago, B.S in Psychology, I have a Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling and I am currently seeing clients as a Mental Health Counselor Intern. I am the Owner and Founder of Holistic-Momma.com. A little bit about me, I am OBSESSED with all things holistic health. I believe we can heal our physical bodies if we first heal our minds. I am a psychology major; I've worked alongside Naturopathic Doctors, Chiropractors, and numerous practitioners. I was a health educator for a well-known supplement brand, and now I share my experience and knowledge. I hope you learn something while on my site, and feel free to contact me with any questions!