The Best Mental Health Assessment Tool- Comprehensive Mental Health
Most people are able to make time to take care of their physical health during their daily hustle and bustle. However, many of them almost completely sideline their mental health. We must realize that having a healthy mind is equally as important as physical health. This is why I take a holistic approach to a comprehensive mental health.
For this reason, we should prioritize our mental wellbeing and speak up against the stigma attached to mental health. Given that we live in a relatively progressive age now, there is a growing focus placed on this subject!
WHO (World Health Organization has reported that over 300 million people worldwide undergo depression. This serves as one of the topmost causes behind the rise in disabilities and Inpatient mental health issues. They further asserted how more than 260 million individuals globally suffer from anxiety disorders.
I say this all the time but it just goes to show that you are NOT alone on this.
Another study led by WHO assessed that the economy of the world suffers immensely, US $1trillion every year to be specific. These mental disorders hamper the productivity of individuals because they have deteriorating mental health and cannot focus at work.
If we go by the textbook definition, mental health is a state of wellbeing in which:
- the individual realizes his or her abilities
- one can cope with the normal stresses of life
- they can work productively and fruitfully
- can contribute to his or her community
- physically and mentally
On one hand, this sounds like a straightforward explanation of what having good mental health entails. On the other, it is much harder to work on having comprehensive mental health for yourself to maintain this state of wellbeing. Don’t worry, this is why I’m here to help you!
Table of Contents
Why Women?
I help women use natural alternatives to drugs and medications to help them get relief from their chronic stress and anxiety. My
focus group is women of all ages, particularly moms. Here is a little bit more about my experience and why I may be able to help you.
The reason is that women are twice more likely to be on the receiving end of mental illnesses and heart disease than men.
Furthermore, Most of us are homemakers, who do not have the time to think about ourselves. We are so deeply conditioned to live
up to society’s expectations of being a “good wife” that we almost forget we are humans first.
Self-care needs to be a priority for us moms, because if we don’t take care of ourselves then who will? Therefore, we require comprehensive mental health assessments to ensure we stay healthy physically and mentally.
Women take on more chores and catering to their family’s needs are likely under great stress. They may not have been clinically diagnosed but are estimated to be undergoing depression or anxiety. This assessment can be corroborated as the circumstances of a woman’s
life increases the chances of her developing a mental illness.
Don’t Wait for Monday
Women tend to overlook their stress when they finally find it unbearable to cope, they start taking medication, sometimes even without a prescription.
In married women who work, there is an enormous mental pressure for them to function as both breadwinner and domestic provider. This paves the way for depressive symptoms.
Other potential causes behind their disorders may include hormonal changes and wrong diagnoses by doctors. Some women end up having mental issues that require inpatient mental health treatments.
Irrespective of how debilitating depression and anxiety disorders are, it is not medically advised to take anti-anxiety or anti-depression medicines to alleviate the stress. These drugs are sedatives and tranquilizers that control the overactivity of your central nervous system. This may sound like a viable option.
However, it is a temporary escape that will affect your overall health adversely. The possible effects include unnatural weight gain, lethargy, sleeping problems, clouded emotions, nausea, and more.
Learn to Cope Better
Therefore, women must recognize this is a flawed and inefficient coping mechanism in the long run. This is why I am here to help you heal internally with comprehensive mental health measures and achieve peace of mind through natural means.
Wondering how I will assist you in preserving your mental health? You can head over to my Holistic Anxiety course for details and read this article to overview what you can expect to gain from it. Together, we shall embark on a journey where we nurture our natural health and mental-wellbeing.
It is essential to identify, through a focused lens, the exact ways to rejuvenate and repair deteriorating mental states. As a mental health advocatewho has studied psychology and soon to be a licensed counselor, I aim to shed light upon such ways. I hope to create awareness about natural ways of curbing anxiety, especially because many people still deem mental illness taboo in our society.
The fundamental step in the process is self-reflection. With different Mental health assessment tools: You have to gauge the level of burn-out you face due to overworking to a point where it halts your productivity. There will be various answers to this. No comparisons should be made because there is no “one size fits all” rule for handling mental health.
Analyzing Your Anxiety
At this point, it becomes essential to take a break and disengage yourself from every personal or professional commitment due. I will help you figure out what works for you.
The change will not take place overnight as working on mental wellbeing is a process that is fruitful but requires effective mental health assessment tools and time. I help each woman identify what she precisely requires to better her health and reduce her anxiety levels naturally.
While it is recommended that you should try to curb your anxiety through natural means, it is important to recognize that there will be exceptions. Sometimes, an individual with deteriorating mental health will require inpatient hospitalization so they can be closely monitored and correctly diagnosed.
But this happens in certain cases where the road to recovery is harder for individuals who go through acute episodes of mental illness and need assistance around the clock.
Why is wellbeing important?
It is of utmost importance that you prioritize your overall wellbeing in order to be productive, invest your time and effort into doing things you love without burning out. A lot of times you may feel exhausted and anxious and don’t really know why you feel that way.
There isn’t a specific event you can pinpoint and put the blame on for your spiraling mental health. In such situations, there may be underlying emotional trauma that you have subdued in your mind or you may be suffering from PTSD but aren’t aware of it yourself.
What is hidden in your subconscious mind will have an impact on your behavior, even if you can’t recognize it. Thus, to let go of the trauma you have as a result of some difficult past experiences, let me help you heal internally through nature.
When diagnosing mental illness, you need to undergo a comprehensive mental health assessment. This will help determine what exactly the problem is and a treatment plan can be made accordingly.
Mental health assessment tools like interviews, questions, physical and mental examinations that doctors employ to understand the condition of the patients are all necessary to arrive at a complete diagnosis. Not only will this give you a big picture of your overall wellbeing, help lay the groundwork and frame your concerns but also give you further clarity on the kind of treatment you need.
Reflect on your Behaviour
Do you feel caged and suffocated in your setting due to all the stress you’re under? To help you
combat this feeling of helplessness, use nature as your ultimate cure.
Often times we are unaware of negative habits we have that effect our overall well-being. Such as negative self-talk or having unnecessary fights with others.
Words have power over you and can impact the way you feel and even how you heal. I know, I did a little rhyme.
In order to reflect on your behavior properly, try writing down what kind and what negative thoughts you had or words you said about yourself. It’s similar to tracking your calories in an app or on paper. When you write it down and can see it, you become more aware of the habits you are creating.
I go further in-depth about this in my Holistic Anxiety Relief Course (it’s a great resource). I talk about measuring your anxiety and being more aware of what triggers it and how to make sure you take care of yourself in order to avoid some of those anxiety attacks.
Take a Walk
I know, I know, it feels like a task to even lift your finger when you’re comfortably lying in your bed, nestled in a blanket. But take out 10 minutes of your day for yourself and put your faith in my advice. Take a walk as it is advantageous on various levels that are unbeknownst to you.
If you work from home, walking is imperative as it grants you the well-deserved break from prolonged sitting, which can create muscular tension and aches in your back, shoulders, neck, legs, hips, and arms. Just taking a few steps in a day further prevents you from serious health issues like heart problems, diabetes, weight gain, and blood pressure.
Walking outside can uplift your mood. Chemicals that boost your happiness, like serotonin anddopamine, are formed in the brain while you exercise. Evidence of this is the lowered rates of depression in people who walked outdoors as opposed to indoors.
The outdoor serves as a very helpful distraction from the laptop and rest for your eyes and nature makes you think strongly why wellbeing is important? It is significantly better to relish and enjoy nature than make your eyes suffer from too much screen time.
Engaging in the latter may lead to severe headaches, feeling of suffocation, blurred vision, and more.
On days where the weather is specifically pleasant, make it a point to go outside. Perhaps you can mow the grass on your lawn, water the plants, play with stray animals or just be in your company.
Stretching Out Stress Relief
Yoga can help release some of that built up tension and help give you energy. In addition, it can decrease your risk of injury and help you become overall less anxious.
Some of my favorite yoga poses to do are Child’s Pose, Pigeon’s Pose, and Half Moon. Whatever your workout looks like just make sure you alleviate all of your sore spots and you are consistent with your yoga routines.
Sunlight Benefits
Sunlight can increase your serotonin production and also help you sleep which are two major issues for anxiety sufferers.
It gives you Vitamin D, which is crucial for optimal health including many mental health issues like mood and energy. It plays a vital role in making your bones and teeth stronger, improving your immune, brain, and nervous health system, along with regulating insulin levels. Insulin controls our blood sugar which in turn gives or takes away from your energy.
Not only does the sun give you vitamin D but also Serotonin which is one of your happiness neurotransmitters.
To learn more about Vitamin D Health Benefits and what food sources provide you with vitamin d in addition to the sun, click here. I have an article about deficiencies and how you can get more vitamin d especially if you are in areas without a lot of sunshine or if it’s winter.
This often results in you acquiring a better perspective on things, leading to increased
productivity levels. To summarize, just go outside, and re-energize your mind that can help you
create genius content. Focus on igniting that creative spark subdued inside your head.
Guide to Holistic Anxiety Relief
By the end my the course, I hope you achieve a sense of contentment and growing self-confidence. I teach you how to track your anxiety and what triggers it and how to cope naturally. This is just one of the many comprehensive mental health procedures but it does not replace therapy with your own individual therapist. The end goal is not to avoid your problems but sustain calmness and serenity whenever you are in one.
It would help if you became well-aware of ways to handle stress naturally and bounce back from adversities. It may even give you a sense of strong direction and help you recognize the
purpose of your life.
One of the potential outcomes of working naturally on your mental health will be the
amendment of previously damaged relationships and maintaining a seamless balance among all
your responsibilities.
If you are struggling with anxiety and would like some further guidance on how to cope with
your anxiety naturally, I urge you to head to my course!
Originally posted 2021-03-05 05:47:25.
Megan Santiago
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