How to Tell if You Need Niacin for Depression

Niacin is a water-soluble B vitamin that converts in the body to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). Do you feel like no matter what you do, it’s just not enough? Is your depression getting in the way of your day-to-day activities and relationships with friends and family? 

Niacin is a vitamin that can help relieve depressive symptoms. This blog post will teach you about the best types of niacin for depression. 

What is Niacin and How Does It Work for Depression

The use of this vitamin was first studied by Dr. Abram Hoffer who found it helped patients with schizophrenia and other mental disorders feel better about themselves and their lives. 

Why you might need niacin for depression

You need niacin for depression because it helps alleviate symptoms that may keep you from completing your everyday tasks. 

Signs That You May Need More Niacin In Your Diet

If you experience any of the following signs then you may be deficient in Vitamin B3: – Fatigue – Constipation – Vomiting – Aggressive or Suicidal Behavior

Where to buy high-quality, affordable niacin supplements online

Whole Foods Market is a reliable place to buy niacin, Life Extension is a high-quality, science-backed supplement brand that makes niacin and no-flush niacin.

How to Take Niacin Supplements

Take the Life Extension Niacin supplements with food or before bed if you are concerned about the niacin flush.

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