Depression, just like anxiety is caused from too many toxins in our bodies or a nutrient deficiency, just like any disease. Have you ever heard of using methylfolate for depression? If not, now you have and I will cover all of the benefits and the best products to try!
What does methylfolate do for the body?
Methylfolate is needed for the smooth occurrence of the methylation cycle. It is also for the brain to synthesize healthy amounts of the hormones serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. It also boosts the formation of healthy cells, especially red blood cells in the body.
Is there a difference between folate, methylfolate and L-methylfolate?
Folic acid, popularly known as folate, is most widely used for its capabilities of preventing birth defects. Methylfolate is called by different terms – Methylfolate, 5-MHTF, and MTHF.
What B vitamins are good for depression?
Vitamin B-12 and other B vitamins play a significant role in synthesizing brain chemicals that affect mood and other major brain functions.
What is the best methylfolate to take?
Methyltetrahydrafolate is the best form of methylfolate to consume. That’s the long spelling of it but most people refer to it as MTHF.
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