Taking the time to invest in stress management activities for women can help lessen your days out of work from stress. This post covers stress management activities for women to do indoor, to do outdoors, to do on a budget.
Stress management could be something as simple as journaling or coloring inside. There are a variety of adult coloring books such as animals drinking, natural and unique patterns.
Journals are used to get the stuff off your chest that you just want to scream at the top of your lungs sometimes.
I know what you’re thinking meditation, huh? Do I have to? That stuff is all woo woo and crazy. But it can be done however you want it’s just focusing on relaxing and deep breathing to help calm your body and mind.
Yoga complements the meditation but does not have to be done together. Many forms of exercise can actually add stress such as extended cardio, fasted cardio, or intense weight lifting. On the Contrary, Yoga helps tone the body, reduce body fat, and improve stress management.
Relaxation Technique
This can be done with meditation or just on its own to help you feel less tense because one of the symptoms of anxiety is muscle tension.
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