Listed here are some items that will help you and your husband in coping with your new lives as parents. Whether you are a stay at home mom or a working mom, this list will help you with baby sleep training, while learning about breastfeeding benefits!
Baby Sleep Training Book
Let me tell you first hand if I knew about Baby Sleep Training with my first child. I would have saved myself SO many sleepless nights.
Lansinoh TheraPeal Breast Therapy Pack
The cold therapy provides relief from inflammation, while hot therapy enhances milk let-down and provides relief from plugged ducts.
PharMeDoc Pregnancy Pillow
It is a C-shaped body pillow that supports your back, neck, head, hips, and knees. It can also be used when you want to nurse, read, or sleep.
Hands-Free Pumping Bra
It’s versatile as you can use it for breastfeeding or pumping. This is a good choice for working moms. If you are a stay at home mom, it is also a good choice. It holds bottles securely and comfortably.
Breast Feeding Benefits
Breastfed babies are better protected against common infections. This is in comparison to mixed or formula-fed babies, according to research.
Swipe up for more about The Secret Guide to Breastfeeding Benefits