Anxiety Attack vs. Panic Attack: What is the difference?

“According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the single largest contributor to disability worldwide, while anxiety disorders are ranked sixth.” Hearing the word Anxiety Attack and Panic Attack is not so rare nowadays. 

Despite this, in no case, they are the same. Keep reading this guide to learn the basic difference between Anxiety Attack Vs. Panic Attack and everything you can do to cure this. 

Anxiety Attack Vs. Panic Attack- what is the difference?

If you are already going through stress or any sort of mental disturbance, you are in chances to become anxious if this stress goes to an extreme. Where the panic attacks are completely sudden and can arise without any cause or symptoms as well. 

What are the common symptoms?

Some of the common symptoms one can have as emotional and physical level are as follows: – A racing or pounding heartbeat or mild pain in the chest – Shortness of breath, sweating & restlessness – Dizziness, nausea or lightheadedness – Insomnia

What are the causes?

It has a long span of physical and emotional aspects. Firstly, you need to be clear that one can have completely different causes for the same disorder and there is no logic for this. Secondly, stress and anxiety can be a threat of emotional as well as physical condition. 

What can I do to treat and prevent Anxiety & Panic Attack?

You just need to identify those actions. And they are nothing but your regular routine lifestyle, yoga, dance, singing and some relaxation exercises like aerobics- all these activities promote positivity in your brain. No matter what you do, make sure you start with positive thoughts.

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